Spiritually Healthy: What It Is and How to Achieve It.

Spiritual health is being in alignment with one’s deepest values and beliefs. It is the practice of living in harmony with inner-self as well as connecting to and living by a higher power or purpose. People who prioritize their spiritual health tend to experience deeper peace and contentment, have open mindsets, and practice self-love, acceptance, and compassion for others.

What is Spiritual Health?

Mind/Body Connection

Spiritual health entails the need to have a deep sense of connection with something greater than oneself, such as God (a higher power), one’s self, others and the nature that surrounds us. According to the existing literature, spiritual health is seen as an interconnectedness between these four aspects (3, 8). It’s defined as being free of spiritual ailments and comprises features of our existence that cannot be explained through physical, mental and social aspects.

Importance of Spiritual Health

So why is spiritual health important? It’s considered an integral part of our overall wellness because it incorporates all elements of health – physical, emotional, mental, and social. Practicing spiritual health gives life more meaning and encourages us to cultivate ethics and altruism based on own personal convictions; allowing us to stay resilient amid any challenging times.

Benefits of Spiritual Health

Providing Sense of Inner Peace

Satisfaction in life comes from within. When we’re able to reach inner peace we let ourselves heal more easily; allowing our bodies time to rest and recover. We’re able to understand what it is that we need in order to achieve inner peace and what kind of balance between connecting with others and taking time for ourselves is ideal for reaching fulfillment.

Overcoming Adversity and Challenges

When we have high levels of spiritual health during difficult times we’re more capable of facing them head-on in a positive manner. Being spiritually healthy allows us to become more resilient when addressing any kind of adversity or challenge – no matter how hard they may seem.

Receiving Guidance and Support

It’s sometimes necessary to take some time alone in order to better understand what it is that we need; however, other times seeking help as part of a group can be highly beneficial. Knowing the difference between both situations –as well as understanding when each one is needed- plays an important role in improving our spiritual health.

How to Achieve Spiritual Health

  • Connecting Through Meditation: Meditating and getting in touch with your conscience brings you closer to your inner peace, thus being essential in order to achieve spiritual health.
  • Connecting with a Source Beyond: By conversing with an enlightened power that surpasses our own, we can fill our lives with intention and combat the emptiness of isolation. This will invigorate us for reaching greatness.
  • Developing Intuition: We all possess intuition but sometimes it needs some guidance so that you can use it properly; this means finding ways on how to tap into this resourceful pool.
  • Third Eye: Opening up your third eye enables you to see beyond what the eyes show; thus providing clarity which helps answer complex questions posed by life itself.

Connecting Through Meditation

Connecting with one’s spiritual health requires tapping into the soul’s high frequency. Accessing this can be done through praying and meditating, granting greater understanding of what life is all about. With consistent meditation, stress-levels can drop and mindfulness can increase, boosting total wellbeing. Intuition and the third eye may be opened up as well, providing a vent for inner serenity and enlightenment.

Meditation allows us to reconnect with our true selves, facilitating better awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We can learn to observe ourselves objectively, become aware of our spiritual identity, and observe how we interact with others in the world around us. When we meditate on a regular basis, the effects can be far-reaching not just in terms of mental health but also in terms of physical health as well.

Speaking to a Higher Vibration

Speaking to a higher vibration can open us up to greater joy and happiness in life. To do this means being conscious about our words and how we express ourselves. By opening ourselves up to timeless spiritual truths that are beyond what we can see or experience physically, we gain access to a source of wisdom greater than ourselves. When conversing with others or expressing our thoughts during prayer or meditation, it is important to keep this in mind so that our words reflect our highest aspirations for ourselves.

Understanding the power of language can help us tap into this higher vibration when communicating with others or even within ourselves. Doing so helps build self-confidence and trustworthiness while creating an environment conducive for spiritual growth. Using language that is authentic as opposed to superficial reinforces these virtues while strengthening connections between individuals in both personal relationships and conversations among strangers alike.

Developing Intuition

Developing intuition is another key element of achieving spiritual health. It gives us access to insights that may not always be apparent when looking at things from an analytical perspective. Intuition gives us a deeper understanding of the world around us because it allows us to use our sense perceptions beyond what we may see with our eyes alone. It helps guide our decisions so that we are making choices based on what resonates most deeply within us rather than simply relying on logic or surface level information.

It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique intuitions about different things in life; there is no one-size fits all approach when it comes to cultivating this ability. Intuition requires practice and patience so that you will start noticing subtle signs from yourself or others around you more consistently over time.

Third Eye

The Third Eye is believed by some spiritual traditions as being associated with the concept of enlightenment. As such, connecting with your Third Eye through meditation is a way of accessing inner knowledge which could lead you closer towards achieving a state of spiritual harmony – something many seekers strive for throughout their lifetimes.

Teachers and spiritual guides often communicate their teachings through stories, as this helps to create stronger connections between feelings and abstract concepts, drawing from the senses of hearing, feeling and intuition. Stories can be easier to understand than just straightforward explanations, making them a more effective tool for teaching.

Practices for Improving Spiritual Health

Prayer and Contemplation

Prayer and contemplation have been used for centuries by people seeking spiritual growth. Prayer helps us align ourselves with divine principles while contemplation brings clarity when trying to make sense out of chaos. Regularly taking time out for prayerful contemplation allows us space for stillness and reflection on matters close to heart.

Mindful Living

  • Create rituals where you take moments throughout each day that connect you back into your spirit like breath work exercises (meditation), yoga poses or chanting mantras.
  • Do random acts of kindness like giving away items no longer need or helping someone in need without expecting anything in return.
  • Take breaks throughout your day from digital devices like phones or laptops – disconnect from technology every once in awhile.

Tips For Establishing And Maintaining Spiritual Health

Feeling spiritually healthy is essential for living a life of balance and contentment. Here are some tips for achieving and maintaining spiritual health:

  • Take time for reflective practice. Connecting with nature, self-reflection, yoga, or journaling can all be powerful tools for spiritual growth.
  • Make space for silence. Silence helps us tune into our innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing us to truly connect with the divine.
  • Start each day with intention. Set aside a few moments to reflect on what you want to create in your life — this will help keep you focused on your spiritual path.
  • Find a supportive community. Surround yourself with people who share similar values and beliefs, as these connections can help deepen your spiritual understanding.
  • Practice gratitude. Spend time expressing appreciation for the people and blessings in your life. Focusing on the good helps keep you grounded in the present moment.

Regularly Connecting With Nature

So often we forget to appreciate the beauty that nature has to offer. Immersing ourselves in landscapes of majestic mountains and peaceful deserts, or listening to the harmonic ocean can be a powerful way to nourish our souls. Taking a break from technology and stress can help us open our eyes to these awe-inspiring wonders and marvel at the intricacies of life.

It’s believed that connecting with nature helps restore energy balance and strengthens our inner being. Studies conducted by Stanford University show that even short urban walks consisting of less than a mile can reduce depression and meditative practices like walking through trees or alongside water can reduce anxiety levels.


Taking a few moments each day to document your positive thoughts and experiences can be an incredibly powerful tool. Gratitude journals are the ideal way to pause and give thanks for all the good in life. Plus, if you write out worries, anxieties, reflections and goals, it can help to declutter your mind and focus on what’s important. Take advantage of this non-judgmental self-expression – it just may hold the answer to the future that lies ahead!

Writing can also help develop emotional intelligence and self-awareness by giving us an opportunity to consciously reflect on our thoughts and feelings. This can then facilitate personal growth and improve decision-making processes which all contribute towards greater mental wellness.

Spending Time with Loved Ones

The importance of having strong relationships cannot be understated when it comes to spiritual health. Nurturing relationships provides deeper meaning and purpose in life while helping us gain clarity on what we want out of life — leading us to make better decisions.

Furthermore, spirituality emphasises not only connecting with others who will bring out the best in us but also knowing when it’s best to take some “me-time” for ourselves too. It means having an understanding that both connection with other people and time spent solo are equally important.

Healing Emotional Pain

Our mind, body and spirit are so deeply intertwined that the state of one affects the others immensely — this is why dealing with emotional distress requires looking after our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. While spirituality won’t cure emotional pain altogether it does provide a powerful outlet for managing stress levels whilst encouraging self-care habits.

Spirituality could involve seeking advice from mentors, family or friends as well as engaging in meaningful activities such as creative pursuits or serving others less fortunate than ourselves. It could also encompass practising mindfulness meditation or using visualisation techniques like guided imagery which help relieve stress levels.


To conclude, spiritually healthy living brings us closer to our highest selves and is a practice of true self-love. It involves having an understanding that life is about more than just material items and focusing on developing the inner-self. With practice, we can work towards creating spiritual health and unlocking the true potential within each and every one of us.

So let’s make spiritual health a priority in our lives. Let’s invest in deepening our understanding of ourselves and connecting to something greater. When we do this, we can open ourselves up to achieving a level of peace, contentment, and joy that no material item can provide.

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