Higher Self vs Lower Self Explained

In this blog post, I will explain the differences between the Higher Self and Lower Self so you have a better understanding of how to access your potential for greatness. Through my expertise and experience in guiding people through the process, I’m here to answer all your questions about higher self vs lower self and show you how to unlock your highest potential.

The Higher Self is the highest concept of the self and is often associated with enlightenment, spiritual awakening, and a connection to one’s divine purpose. It is often seen as an external or supernatural force that guides individuals towards higher understanding and greater self-awareness. In contrast, the Lower Self is the ego or animalistic instincts that keep us rooted in our base desires like the need for security, comfort and pleasure.

The Battle Between the Higher Self and Lower Self

Though we often exist in a state of duality, it is only through self-reflection that we can truly grasp the depths of our personal growth. To understand our own nature, it is important to recognize the opposing forces within us: our higher self and lower self. Our higher self represents our deepest divine essence, while our lower self embodies our more primal desires.

Our higher self encompasses those qualities that we strive to embody – such as kindness, compassion, love, and inner peace. This part of ourselves serves to awaken our souls in order to reach spiritual heights, connecting us with a much larger force than ourselves. On the other hand, the lower self consists of more surface desires such as material accumulation, ego-based validation, and pleasure seeking. It is this part of ourselves that oftentimes stands in the way of us attaining any real sense of inner peace or understanding.

Introducing the Concepts of the Higher Self and Lower Self

The Higher Self and Lower Self are both guides that shape our life. The Higher Self is the wise, creative spirit within us – an inner teacher guiding us to make the best choices for our highest good. On the other hand, the Lower Self is often convinced by fears and insecurities – leading us away from growth or fulfilment.

Ultimately, it’s up to us which one we will trust and rely on. To unlock our highest potential and create a meaningful life, we must learn how to differentiate between them and cultivate a powerful relationship with our Higher Self.

Ensuring Personal Integrity Wins Out Over Lower Self

In order for us humans to truly progress spiritually and emotionally in life, it’s essential that we learn how to keep our personal integrity intact when faced with temptations presented by our lower selves. Unfortunately though, sometimes these animalistic urges can get the better of us without us even realizing it – like when we find ourselves making choices or taking actions driven by fear rather than love.

Fortunately though, even if we do succumb to these dark impulses from time-to-time; all is not lost – as long as we remain conscious about recognizing them so that corrections can be made accordingly. Every day presents an opportunity for us to be mindful about nurturing both parts of ourselves; allowing our higher selves – which are connected to a greater source – take precedence over decisions driven by selfishness and short-term gratification.

Evolution of the Lower Self and Its Effects on Personal Growth

The evolution from basic instincts towards higher consciousness is something humanity has been engaged in since its inception. The lower self consists largely of those unrefined reflexes and behavior patterns rooted deep within us since birth; despite their origins mostly having served us well up till now; know they are no longer necessary or beneficial.

Although we are on a continual journey of self-improvement and growth, our primitive influences remain embedded within us. These can still hold sway over our thoughts and actions if we allow them to, without actively working to stay focused and mindful. To ensure we don’t slip into old patterns of thinking, it is important to maintain awareness of these primal instincts, so they become less and less relevant in our lives.

Strategies for Managing the Higher and Lower Self

The key challenge lies in finding ways for both aspects of the self coexist harmoniously without interfering too much with one another’s agenda’s – effectively becoming two separately functioning entities living side-by-side inside a single person.

  • Recognize your triggers: what brings out your lower self? Is it stress? Fear? Anger? The more you know about what brings about these tendencies within yourself then you’re more equipped for grappling with them head on when they arise.
  • Focus on authentic values: instead of allowing your lower self lead you off course by chasing after transient comforts try grounding yourself back into core principles such as integrity & acceptance instead.
  • Cultivate spirituality: tapping into whatever mode resonates with most deeply allows you access your soul essence & unleash its exponential potential thereby empowering your higher self further.
  • Reframe morals into action: now being aware your perspective allows you tailor thoughts & beliefs into tangible activities that move progress further along addressing areas need attention most.

We can never completely eliminate our darker impulses, but through our shared beliefs and values we can transform ourselves. By breaking down barriers, we reach a heightened level of understanding of true success in life. This is ultimately the greatest outcome of our journey.


What is the true, inner part of myself that is greater than my physical being?

My Higher Self is the best version of myself. It’s authentic, wise, and compassionate, focusing on personal growth and understanding. It seeks knowledge and strives to be a more conscious individual. My Higher Self is connected to my purpose in life and seeks to be aligned with it. Ultimately, it’s the part of me that looks beyond our instincts and desires, striving towards higher levels of consciousness.

What is the distinction between the self and the higher self?

The difference between Self and Higher Self is that our Self is our instinctive, emotionally driven base nature, while Higher Self is the version of ourselves we strive to be. Our Self is characterized by seeking security and validation, reacting impulsively and taking shortcuts to get what it wants. In contrast, our Higher Self seeks understanding and knowledge and pursues personal growth. It has a compassionate, rational, and tranquil attitude.


The Higher Self and Lower Self can be seen as two sides of the same coin, both striving for greater understanding and development. By understanding the differences between these two aspects of our self, we can gain a deeper insight into what drives our actions and motivations.

By tapping into the power of our Higher Self, we can transcend any limitations that may be holding us back from unlocking our highest potential. When we strive to honor both sides of our self – higher and lower – we can come to a place of greater alignment, where our path to personal growth becomes clearer and more purposeful.